Saturday, August 17, 2013

Reminding Yourself of God's Promises

It is always great to feel loved! Am sure everyone would agree with me on that. Unfortunately, not all of us feel loved all the time. Some of us even suffer from depression every now and then. Some feel worse. It is amazing that we do not realize that we ought to feel great every second because we are actually loved every single second of the day. God loves us! This is a reality! Regardless of who you are what you do, you are loved by the Most High God!

A few months ago, I changed the wallpaper of my laptop. I also used it as my cover photo for my Facebook account. Check out the picture below. This is one way to constantly remind me how greatly blessed I am, highly favored and deeply loved! Why do I have to remind myself? Like you, I used to forget, I didn't feel like it and for some time I felt, I did not deserve them - blessings, favor and love. And although today, I feel the same every single day - bless, favored and loved, putting these words in front of me still makes a great difference in my daily life.

God loves you. He even said in His word, He loved you first before you loved him (1 John 4:19). Simply because He loves you He gives - not just eternal salvation but goodness and mercy, blessings and favor, health and wisdom and everything else. Simply because He loves you, He forgives. There is no condemnation (Romans 8:1).

In short, God loves you because He is Love. He does not love you because you did well, you did not make a mistake or you did nothing bad. He does not love you because you are loving. He does not love you because you are forgiving. In your best and worst persona, God loves you! God loves you not because of who you are, but because of who He is - He is Love!

It's easy to feel condemned, feel unloved and feel undeserving because this is how the world works. In the world, you have to meet certain standards to be preferred or applauded. You have to be better, if not the best, to deserve certain things. In the world, you deserve everything because of who you are and what you did. However, we do not belong to this world anymore, right?

It is a blessing that my brother (JR) and his wife (Gladyz) are already actively attending church. The seeds have grown and the maturity manifesting just when I needed it most. In some unusual family reunion, we discussed about life and realities and he kept telling me - there is no condemnation! We are still loved. God's favor is still upon us. We are Children of the Most High God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. There is nothing we can do to change God's love for us. We are still victors! We are still the highly favored children of God. Blessings are still overflowing and coming our way. We just have to believe. These were lessons they got as a couple from New Life The Fort. He asked me to awaken the faith within! Stir the fire! You know what you should believe in, do not let condemnation fool you into believing otherwise.

Out of this very short and rare reunions, the eyes of my heart opened. Something in my spirit came to life again. And so I was reminded of God's promises before - months and years ago. I knew all these things, somehow I have not been feeling it and experiencing it for some time. You might understand - you are blessed but you feel not as Greatly blessed! You experience His favor but not Highly Favored all the time. You feel loved but not as Deeply Loved. Again, after talking to them and to many other supportive Christian friends for the past months, I became a child trusting with all my heart that my Forgiving Father, supplies all my needs, with gladness! It is His pleasure to bless me and grant me His favor.

Now, we experience the goodness of God daily. I am so happy. We are walking with God and we are guided by His Holy Spirit. We follow. We still make mistakes every now and then. We still miss it. However, this does not change the fact that We are greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved. Nothing to boast about ourselves but the fact that Father God loves us, regardless!

You can check  and other sites like My Bible Verses and church service or pastoral messages like New Life if you think you need daily messages, quotes and verses to inspire you. Thank God for the internet and it is easier and faster to get hold of God's promises. I do!There are times that negative or bad thoughts try to rule in my mind but again, I have a choice to remind myself of God's promises - I am greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved right now, today and forever. This is the truth and it cannot be changed because I serve the same God, the same Jesus - yesterday, today and tomorrow!

I serve a Lord and Saviour who gave His life for me. I serve an Abba Father who gave His Only Begotten Son for My Salvation. What else can He withhold? All you need to do is believe. Once you believe in God's love, you will realize that His promises are for real. You will realize that Nothing indeed is Impossible with God!

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